Mojo Training Course

The Mojo training programme is run over two mornings per week for 12 weeks. Day 1 of each week focuses on building mental fitness. Day 2 of each week focuses on developing your ability to create future plans and building physical fitness.  On both days you will be introduced to services in the community that can support you to return to work, education or volunteering.

The workshops are facilitated by a warm and experienced Mojo team who see you as an equal partner in the process.  The team are supported by staff from local services – health, employment, welfare, education and community based services.

As well as working in a group, you will have one-to-one sessions with the Life Planning Coordinator.  During the sessions you will explore personal goals and identify the steps to take in order to reach your targets.  At the end of the programme you will leave with your unique Mojo Plan.

The following are guidelines for selecting suitable participants for the Mojo project.

The men should be:

  • in distress
  • affected by employment issues.
  • motivated to change so that they can improve their lives.
  • 18 years or older .
  • able to take personal responsibility, and agree to attend the full 12 week programme.

Men who have completed the programme share their experiences and family members share their experience of transformation at home.